Tavern owner Rik and conman Fairy Laif's expressions
Lady Phillipa and Swordsman Quincy's expressions
Mobile Game Simulator done in Game Maker.
Mixologer is a game prototype built in 10 days for the IGDA game jam in October 2022. The player is tasked with mixing fantasy-themed ingredients for the citizens of Aldar as they hold interesting conversations. On the project I was the lead 2D Artist and created the tavern and mixing area background. Our Narrative Designer created character profiles and I had the freedom to design this inclusive cast of characters. As they receive their drinks, characters' expressions could change into 3 separate expressions aside from their neutral faces. Customers could be happy when receiving the correct drink or positive responses, angry or disappointed when given an incorrect drink or negativity, and even drunk if the player delivers the correct drinks in succession.
Once done with the characters and background art, I was able to work on smaller assets, such as the ice well, ice cubes, cheat sheet scroll, and redesigned spirit bottles. Our producer Chi assisted me with the art work load by creating smaller assets such as the shot glass, shaker, chalice, and martini glass seen in the mixing area. She also created the Brock character seen above. When I told a coworker & fellow artist Alisha Dacus about the game project, she lent me her design for the fairy character Laif seen above.
As the project neared its conclusion, I created a couple user interface elements such as a pause button, restart button, and mobile input graphics. I also created an inviting itch.io banner and game over screen. To conclude: I had lots of fun looking into medieval/renaissance fashion, props, and environments for reference to adhere to our fantasy setting! Game jams are always exciting for me because they usually bring a team of new skills and talents together to passionately create something unique in a short amount of time.
The game in its prototype stage can be found here: